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over 5 years is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

The character selection is really smooth and aesthetic, would love to play a game based on it. 

Old CKC game page is locked so I can't download it. Can you tell me the password?


it was only a character select but i enjoyed it anyway TT this looks so cool i cant wait to find out more

(1 edit) (+1)

is this just to tell us about the characters?

just wondering


yeah! it was just a lil character design project for college to prep for the actual game!


For any cool people waiting for this cool game: look carefully at the Greatboard's profile and try typing in the code word on your keyboard on the select screen for a little surprise.

YaYaYaYa! If you played through the first Season of the ultimate result of this hard work, you might find the results familiar. If anyone asks for some help on the code word, I'll post it.


Why does no one want to play this game

(1 edit) (+2)

I do? people don't have to comment after the gameplay

and I mean, there aren't much to it